Days 1-2: Dart Introduction and Development Tools

Days 1-2: Dart Introduction and Development Tools


  • Install Dart SDK and development tools (VSCode/IntelliJ).

  • Learn basic Dart syntax: variables, data types, operators.

1. Dart SDK and Development Tools Installation

Dart SDK Installation:

  1. Download Dart SDK:

    • Visit the Dart SDK Download Page.

    • Select the appropriate SDK for your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux).

  2. Install Dart SDK:

    • Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.
  3. Verify Installation:

    • Open your terminal or command prompt.

    • Run the command dart --version to check if Dart is installed correctly.

Development Tools Installation:

  1. Visual Studio Code (VSCode):

    • Download and install Visual Studio Code.

    • Open VSCode and go to the Extensions view by clicking on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the side of the window or pressing Ctrl+Shift+X.

    • Search for the Dart extension and install it.

  2. IntelliJ IDEA:

    • Download and install IntelliJ IDEA.

    • Open IntelliJ IDEA and go to File > Settings > Plugins.

    • Search for the Dart plugin and install it.

2. Basic Dart Syntax


Variables in Dart can be declared using var, final, or const.

void main() {
  var name = 'John';  // A variable that can be reassigned
  final age = 25;     // A variable that cannot be reassigned
  const pi = 3.14;    // A compile-time constant

  print('Name: $name, Age: $age, Pi: $pi');

Data Types:

Dart is a strongly typed language, and it supports various data types like int, double, String, bool, List, and Map.

void main() {
  int a = 10;
  double b = 20.5;
  String c = 'Hello';
  bool d = true;
  List<int> e = [1, 2, 3];
  Map<String, int> f = {'one': 1, 'two': 2};

  print('Int: $a, Double: $b, String: $c, Bool: $d, List: $e, Map: $f');


Dart supports various operators, including arithmetic, relational, logical, and assignment operators.

void main() {
  int a = 10;
  int b = 20;

  // Arithmetic Operators
  print('Addition: ${a + b}');
  print('Subtraction: ${a - b}');
  print('Multiplication: ${a * b}');
  print('Division: ${a / b}');
  print('Modulus: ${a % b}');

  // Relational Operators
  print('Equal: ${a == b}');
  print('Not Equal: ${a != b}');
  print('Greater than: ${a > b}');
  print('Less than: ${a < b}');

  // Logical Operators
  bool c = true;
  bool d = false;
  print('AND: ${c && d}');
  print('OR: ${c || d}');
  print('NOT: ${!c}');

  // Assignment Operators
  int e = 5;
  e += 5; // e = e + 5
  print('Assignment: $e');

Examples with Explanations

Example 1: Basic Dart Program

void main() {
  print('Hello, Dart!');

Explanation: This is the simplest Dart program. The main() function is the entry point of the program, and print() is used to output text to the console.

Example 2: Using Variables and Data Types

void main() {
  var name = 'Alice';
  int age = 30;
  double height = 5.6;
  bool isStudent = false;

  print('Name: $name');
  print('Age: $age');
  print('Height: $height');
  print('Is Student: $isStudent');

Explanation: This program demonstrates declaring variables of different data types and printing their values.

Example 3: Using Operators

void main() {
  int a = 15;
  int b = 4;

  print('Sum: ${a + b}');
  print('Difference: ${a - b}');
  print('Product: ${a * b}');
  print('Quotient: ${a / b}');
  print('Remainder: ${a % b}');

Explanation: This program uses arithmetic operators to perform basic mathematical operations on two integers.

Visual Explanations

1. Dart SDK Installation:

  • Figure 1: Dart SDK download page.

  • Figure 2: Verifying Dart installation in terminal.

2. Variables and Data Types:

  • Figure 3: Example of declaring variables and data types in Dart.

3. Operators:

  • Figure 4: Example of using operators in Dart.

By following this guide, you'll have a solid understanding of the basics of Dart and be ready to move on to more advanced concepts in the following days. Happy coding!